Hedgehog Diseases
There is a variety of hedgehog diseases. We will start this of with the most common illnesses that can be treated at home. However, in severe cases, it is always best to seek out professional help.
More diseases and info will be uploaded soon!
Before we dive into diseases treatable at home, lets look at emergencies.
In the case of where the animal has wound injuries, has a large open wound, and it is in the middle of the night or, the vet will only be open in a couple of hours, it is best just to rinse the wound or clean it with a sponge or cotton wool to remove debris and dirt. You may use clean luke-warm water or diluted salt water. Never bath the hedgehog as once he is cooled off he might go into shock. Besides, you don`t know if there is any internal injuries as well. Keep the hedgehog in a small container to restrict movement and keep him warm at all times. Do not stress him out with unnecessary handling. You may put a water bowl out if the animal is conscious.
Unknown Illnesses
The animal is sick, you are not sure what is wrong, no visible bleeding or anything that can give an indication of what the problem might be, and you are only able to get a vet`s appointment the next day, keep the animal hydrated and warm. If it is only a few hours before you can see the vet, there is no need to bother feeding him. Sick animals are not likely to eat. Since you are not sure what is wrong it is best not stress the animal by forcing him.
In the case of you only being able to see a vet in a couple of days, then you need to ensure that you feed the hedgehog and keep him warm and hydrated. You can use Royal Canine Recovery Mousse or Hills a/d Recovery Mousse. These type of tin food can be easily given with a syringe. If you don`t have any of these at hand, soak the dry cat pellets you are feeding him, until it is like a soft paste. When force feeding, wrap the hedgehog gently but firm in a towel so that only his head is protruding. That way it will be easier to force feed him. If you have any safe vitamins and probiotics at hand, you may give this in the meantime to the hedgehog while you are waiting to get to the vet.
Diseases treatable at home
Hibernation Attempt:
First of all, lets understand hibernation first. Hibernation is a state where an animal goes in a dormant state. Not eating, drinking or being active at all. Normally this is during cold periods, winter. They would rely on the body fat they have gained during the summer months to endure the hibernation sleep. Their body temperatures, heartbeat and breathing will be lowered, to such a stage that it is barely noticeable. Like semi-dead. This is to preserve energy. Our pet African Pygmies are domesticated and kept as pets for more than 30 years and no longer have that ability to hibernate safely. If they goes into hibernation, their organs can completely shut down, they can die as a result in a short period of 3 days. Multiple attempts also cause for organ damage and shortens their life span.
To prevent hibernation attempts, we must ensure for stable cage temperatures. Ideal temperature range is 23-25 degrees.
Acting lethargic, walking unbalanced, shaking. Not active in cage
Not eating or drinking
Curled up in a ball, cold to the touch
Stomach cold
Warm hedgehog up; body to body heat. Wrap hedgehog in warmed up blanket. Use a covered warm water sack/ bottle. Increase cage temperatures.
This needs to be done slowly, as being up warm too sudden can cause organ damage.
Keep monitoring hedgehog until he /she is completely recovered. Once being able to walk and eat, give hedgehog diluted pure apple juice or diluted Brunel vitamin syrup. This is to increase energy levels and enhance appetite. Brunel can be bought at chemists and supermarkets (Dischem, Checkers) Mix ½ teaspoon of vitamin syrup with 500 ml water and replace drinking water with this mixture.
Maintain stable cage temperatures and keep on monitoring hedgehog throughout the attempt. They can easily have a relapse if not done properly.
What triggers it:
Cold temperatures, but even in summer sudden weather changes can triggers it. Hedgehogs that are sick or with a weak immune system are prone to get attempts.
Brunel can be bought at supermarkets, Checkers, pharmacies such as Dischem and Clicks
Mites / Acariasis is one of the most common parasite diseases that can occur with hedgehogs. Easy to be treated, but if left untreated, conditions can turn to the worst. Mites are ectoparasites- that is a parasite that lives on the body of the host and not internal such as worms. They suck out the blood, eating away skin, hair, quills of the host animal.
Scratching a lot
Losing quills, bald spots appear
Skin very dry and flaky
Red areas of irritated skin, crusts on skin, base of quills
Mites can sometimes be visible to the naked eye – depending of life cycle stage and type of mite.
Tattered ears.
Revolution for Kittens are world-wide used to treat mites. When having mite issues, you also needs to clean out the entire cage, disinfect cage and all bedding such as blankets and more. Before treatment are administered, you can give the animal a Betadine bath / Oatmeal Bath or Rooibos tea bath to provide relief of the itchiness, this will help towards getting rid of the mites up to a certain point. Normally after treatment the quills start to grow back within a period of two weeks, that is, if the case was not too severe.
Revolution for Kittens: This is a Drop on method of treatment. Just drop the (1 drop) behind the hedgehog`s neck, if needed, repeat after 3 weeks again.
Broadline for Kittens: This is a Drop on method of treatment. Just drop the (1 drop) behind the hedgehog`s neck, if needed, repeat after 3 weeks again.
What triggers it:
Mites can be dormant in a cage or bedding for months, and once environment changes favourable for them, they will hatch, grow, comes alive. Mites can be transferred from other animals, such as dogs, cats, birds, hamsters, rats, mice, poultry onto hedgehogs. Wood shavings and bedding can be an excellent host for them as well, and it is possible that you can buy already infested bedding at the pet shop. For those reasons I will strongly advise against using wood shavings / saw dust as a form of bedding. Mites also flourish on dry skin. Poor cage keeping and cleaning also promotes the infestation of mites.
Types of mites:
Cheyletiella mange- also called the walking dandruff mite. This mite is red and visible to see. Cannot survive away from the host, easily treated with Revolution and baths really helps
Sarcoptiform mite – Very common with hedgehogs. Females lay their eggs in the skin of the host , which causes for the excessive scratching.
Caparinia tripilis – Also very common with hedgehogs. Can be visible with the naked eye or under a microscope. Most often the head of the hedgehog will be the most affected. Very common under wild hedgehogs
Psoroptes cuniculi – Ear mites. Causes for ear infection, ear irritation, discharge from ears often smelly. Can cause imbalances of the hedgehog
Notoedres – known as feline scabies. Causes for crusts, thickening of skin. Spreads easily and fast.
Worms are also endoparasites, this is parasites that lives inside the internal organs or tissue of its host. There are a variety of internal parasites, we are only going to discuss a few that is applicable to hedgehogs. Deworming your hedgehog is a good practise. Juveniles to be dewormed once they are 3 months of age and weighs more than 250 grams. If breeding, it is always good to deworm females before placing them with the male. Other than that, deworming your hedgehog every 6 months or annually should be suitable.
Hedgehog is constantly hungry, coming out too often during daytime
Runny green to neon green stools, sometimes a whitish mucus appearance to faeces.
Worm eggs might be visible in stools- tiny white specks
Losing weight
Blood in stools
Can stop eating and become less active once it become worse.
Lung worm- rattling cough- needs antibiotics
For hedgehogs we use kitten de-wormer, always also according to weight as prescribed by manufacturer. Certain types of worms require antibiotics, such as lungworms.
Milbemax for Kittens- Break tablet into half and crush and give with wet food. Remove all other food sources until the animal consumes all. Alternatively dissolve tablet in water and administer with a syringe. Repeat after 3 weeks again
Drontal dewormer for Kittens- Administer according to hedgehog`s weight. Crush and give with wet food. Remove all other food sources until the animal consumes all. Alternatively dissolve tablet in water and administer with a syringe. Repeat after 3 weeks again
Revolution and Broadline for Kittens – however it is used for mite`s treatment mostly, this is also a deworming agent. Used as a drop on method. One drop behind hedgehog`s neck. Repeat after 3 weeks again
Types of worms:
Round worm – Capillaria spp. The most common worm found in hedgehogs. Typically earthworms are hosts for round worms. Birds and other animals such as hedgehogs who eats the earth worms become secondary intermediate hosts.
Lung worm – Crenosoma striatum– Lung worms comes across in feaces of pigs, however, there is a variety of animals that can carry it. Hosts are slugs, snails, if birds consume the snails, they become the next intermediate hosts.
Intestinal Fluke – First intermediate host is always snails, if birds consume the snails, they become second intermediate hosts.
Thorny headed worm- First intermediate host is snails, if birds or other animals consume the snails, they become second intermediate hosts.
Coccidia- Not a worm - Coccidia are tiny single-celled parasites that live in the wall of the hedgehog`s intestine. This is to be treated with antibiotics.
Minor stomach issues:
Hedgehogs often get a runny stomach when changing of food, new environment, new cage- stress related factors. It is important not to ignore serious issues, and therefore it is required that you study your hedgehog’s poop on a regular basis and be familiar with what we call the poop chart. This genius guide is simple, easy, and most often very accurate to determine what is wrong with your hedgehog. Stomach illnesses that do not clear up in 48 hours requires a vet visit. For healthy stomachs and intestines, it is always good to give Protexin on a regular basis. Tip of a knife point daily over food for 7 days, skip 7 days and repeat the process.
Runny Stomach:
When your hedgehog experiences a runny stomach, you can give him or her butternut pumpkin, or Protexin. Pumpkin to be cooked, unsalted, or you can use butternut from Purity. The fibres in pumpkin helps binding the tummy. Protexin is a priobotic for animals that can be bought at pet shops or veterinary clinics. Priobotics helps restore healthy proteins and bacteria in your pet digestive system, also good for fighting of infections. It is important to check on the chart in terms of a green runny stool if it is just a stress related matter or parasite related.
Constipated hedgehog can be the result of not drinking enough water or a diet that contains too much raw fibres that they cannot successfully digest. It is important to monitor the water intake of your hedgehog.
Just as with a runny stomach, you can offer butternut and Protexin. The watery content of pumpkin helps loosened up the stools, as it is normally because of lack of fluid in the intestines.
Poop Chart
More ailments...
Bleeding toenails:
If you accidently cut you hedgehog`s toenail too deep and it is bleeding, just rinse off in cold water. The cold water helps to reduce bleeding and dip the feet in corn starch / sugar / wheat flower / maize meal. That will stop the bleeding and you can just rinse of the flower later.
Nail Fungus:
If not serious, you can give the hedgehog a footbath 2 – 3 times a week with apple cider vinegar. Dilute 1 cup of vinegar with plus minus 1 litre of clean water. Pour in a washbasin or dish. Water must just cover the hedgehog`s feet. Let him walk in it for about 5 minutes at a time. If it does not improve after 2 weeks, seeks a vet`s opinion.
Signs: Toenails will be thickened, yellow, crusty, or even black.
What triggers it: Wet conditions in cage, dirty wheel, fungal infections can also be spreading from hedgehog to hedgehog.
Hedgehog Choking:
This can be so scary for a hedgehog owner. Mostly this is because of something stuck in his throat. Quickly check his mouth to see if it is possible to remove the object with your fingers. Be careful not too push the object down further If not possible, the best way is to pick the hedgehog up on its hind legs and gently shake him. Another way is to take the hedgehog in both your hands, support the back and belly with your hands, stretch out your arms out in front of you, then swing your arms in one smooth motion downwards to your feet. Check and inspect hedgehog, if that did not work, you can repeat the motion for a second or third time. Remember, always downwards, but never upwards.
Minor cuts and abrasions:
For superficial wounds and injuries we normally cleaned it up with diluted salt water, depending on where the injury are on the hedgehog, apply F10 ointment, or antiseptic wound ointment such as Betadine, or we give the hedgehog a Betadine bath. Remember never to use Betadine ointment on a large open wound, because Betadine contains iodine. The iodine can be absorbed in the animals bloodstream and you don`t know if he / she is allergic to iodine
Minor eye infections:
In South Africa we are privilege to have Rooibos Tea. You can take a Rooibos tea bag en wet it with warm water, let it cool down to a lukewarm temperature and wipe the eye with it. The anti-inflammatory and healing properties from the Rooibos under normal conditions provides relief and healing. Always rather consult with a vet in serious conditions.
More tips and remedies to be uploaded soon.
Nail Fungus